Thursday, September 2, 2010

I haven t had much time to update recently, school has already gotten crazy and I already have work up to my eyeballs! Thank goodness that it's almost Friday :)

Anyways, I found the ear cuffs that I got a few months ago, and lost while packing for Europe, and I immediatley feel back in love with them again!

You can get them here. I love them because you can adjust the wires, so they fit your ear perfectly. Plus, they're really cheap! Just be sure to order them single, as one on both ears is a little too much in my opinion.

Thanks for all of the sweet comments guys, its awesome to know that people actually read my blog!


  1. they look ace! i recently saw some ear cuffs with a feather drop and they were really ace too! need to get me some of those!


  2. I love it!
    wish get one of them
    nice blog :)

  3. So cute! Ear cuffs are so neat right now!

    I found your blo via IFB, and I am glad I did, its really awesome! Keep posting!

